Guests of the hotel can use one complementary hour at any time from 8:00 to 22:00 to visit  our comfortable sauna. You can relax in a comfortable modern steam room with a powerful stove with built-in steam generator, as well as escape from the day's worries inside the resinous wood cabin

Sauna is not only a bath for hygienic procedures. Relaxation in the sauna allows you to effectively restore the exhausted strength, return lightness of the muscles and thoughts, and allows you to have a session of restorative aromatherapy

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    All the Guests of the Hotel «Uyut» can use our own comfortable sauna any time from 8:00 a.m. till 22:00 p.m. Everyone interested can relax in the comfortable modern steam room with a powerful oven (equipped with a built-in steam generator) or escape from the daily worries inside the cab, which decorated with the resinous wood.


    Today sauna is not only a kind of the bath for hygienic procedures. Rest in this wonderful place allows you to effectively restore the energy, make your muscles strong and organize your thoughts. Sitting in a sauna you can also spend an impromptu session of regenerative aromatherapy.